[Do not take any of the below too seriously]
The movie industry has been feeding us romantic thoughts with films such as “The notebook”, even editors know how much a human being, at his very young age is seeking love, so they sell Cinderella stories and other fairy tales to make us believe in love.
Do you think that your man will read to you the story of how you met and fell in love when you will grow old, have gray hair, memory loss and your boobs to your knees? Or will he take the chance to run get a younger chick who has daddy issues and is sugar daddy hunting?

True Love by SalwasCorner
Back in the days, women were valued, they were considered to be very precious, they went out one night, they met one guy at the Bal and ended up marrying him and having his kids.
Men did not have much choice we must admit, it was so hard to get laid that if they found a girl who is attracted to them, they would stick with her, and if they are not that lucky, they will fight to get a girl’s heart to love them back. Oh sweet old days… Maybe that is why even in the fashion world we tend to go back to the 50’s trends, maybe the whole fashion industry is missing some romance and wants to put it back in.
Whenever I see an old couple walking down the street, I stare at them, I creep for two reasons:
1- The clothes, some of them might be a great source of inspiration
2- I start thinking of the way they met, (must not have been on a dating app!). I wonder about all the ups and downs they went through together, and how they stick together, and I ask myself: Why our parents or grandparents did it? How did they manage to make it work all these years?
One thing that did change for sure since our grandparents times: In the 21st century that we live in, we are all an over-consuming society, we buy, use, break and we throw away. We do that with phone machines, printers, and relationships. Time is so rare that we would rather abandon something broken than try to fix it.
In 2018, men have choice, they don’t want to wait, they don’t want to settle, because why settle for one when you can have two or three different girls a week? Sex has become so free, in a way that a guy won’t need to show attention to a girl nor money to a professional to get it. In addition to that, social media is becoming a temptation, Instagram for instance if a catalog of hot chicks, juicy butts and siliconed breasts (not that I have anything against plastic surgery, I might have one one day if anything starts going toward the knees direction… If you know what I mean).
It’s like a soft porn platform, only you don’t need to be 18 to enter.
Some business sharks sold their souls and made a living out of it: now you can go to work and pass by an advertising pan encouraging you to download an extra marriage relation/sex provider app. How is that even legal when you vowed loyalty in front of a hundred people that you fed with an expensive caterer?!
Not sure we are evolving with technology the same way we are with values.
I dare you to find one friend who didn’t cheat or has been cheated on by someone at some point. Even Ross from “Friends” TV show cheated on Rachel (Some of you might argue that they were on a break… but whatever).
Basically, it is hard to commit nowadays when there are so many choices and other opportunities available in the wild world. And this goes for men and women as well.
What I want to say through this pamphlet about love is that, it might be harder to find at its most pure state, harder in 2018 than it was in the sixties, but it is still possible to find that one person who will value you and love you for who you are, the person who will set your expectations high again and make you believe in yourself. And don’t get fooled, men need to be loved as well, they are not these strong independent feeling-less creatures that they let us believe they are. If you ever happen to stumble over someone like this, hold on tight to them, cause “we be in 2018, a lot of son of beeches [This word has been modified in respect to all the mothers in the world] be fooling around”.
How about you? Did you find your person? Do you believe that you will one day?