As I am writing this post, it is Sunday, a day I used to spend at the laundromat back when I was in college.
I didn’t really like that place and couldn’t wait to have my own washing machine. Funny how time flies and you end up liking things you hated when you were younger …(this last sentence makes me sound like I am about to buy a cane as my next accessory).
Here I am today finding myself enjoying laundromats as they are the perfect background to my pictures.
This post, I wanted to share two of my designs with you guys, the oversized checked blue jacket which gives you that ” I stole it from dad’s” look, it is the perfect piece to upgrade a casual outfit, I wore it with a pair of trainers high waisted jeans and a cropped t-shirt that I also designed.
Now you can stick to the classy look and wear a pair of high heels to look skinny and tiny in the jacket to contrast the large shoulders, or you can do it the Parisian way and break the rules: go classy on top and sporty on the feet. Although I don’t know what breaking the rules really means now that the Parisian style is clearly defined, breaking the rules is actually following the rules… did I lose you here?
Anyway, before I leave you with pictures I would like to tell you the story behind that cropped t-shirt and give it some credits, I was back home in Morocco and had only a few days to spend there before coming back to Paris, when I realized the true meaning of “There is no place like home”, and by home I mean my country, what shaped me, what made me who I am today. So I draw a heart with Moroccan mosaics, in burgundy red and a turquoise green (as my country’s flag is red with a green star), here it is in a t-shirt.
Slach tips:
1-Put a blazer and a beanie to relax the outfit
2-Add a pair of Nike trainers to go full street style
3-Add a little attitude to look like you didn’t plan the outfit when in reality it is all thought out.